Monday, August 11, 2014

My 1st Liebster Award

Hello smoochers. Aku baru aja pulang dari liburan lebaran ku kemaren. Well setelah aku pulang ada kejutan menarik setelah baca komentar di salah satu entrian ku. Kalo aku di nominasiin liebster award sama kak Intan Defrina . Bagi kamu yang belum tau apa sih itu liebster award ini dia penjelasanya....

Well lliebster award adalah suatu penghargaan untuk blogger-blogger yang memiliki pengetahuan yang banyak tapi memeiliki followers kurang dari 200. Liebster award ini juga membantu blog kita supaya lebih di kenal lagi dan mendapatkan followers-followers baru. Apabila kita masuk nominasi, kita harus mengikuti aturan-aturan yang ada di atas. Well aku bakal jawab 11 pertanyaan yang udah di kasih sama kak  Intan Defrina. Let's begin :

1.  What is your beauty philosophy?
My beauty philosophy is, you never get wrong with what you put on your face

2.  Which one is your favorite: US brands, Korean products or Japanese?

Hahah it's difficult but i'm gonna choose us!

3.  Who is your favorite actress and why?

Mouni Roy. She is talented, another she can acting she dancing too. Her acting in mahadev tv serial is perfect. She role as sati
4. If you are traveling to the beach and can only bring 1 piece of make up, which item will you pick to accompany you; an Etude BB cream, the Balm's Betty-Lou bronzer, or the Revlon's chubby stick? Explain why.

The balm's betty lou bronzer. Because i dont want look to much on the beach. Sun kissed makeup its the best choice to the beach. You look sensual and exotic with that bronzer
5.  If you have opportunity to be a professional make up artist, who will be your first customer?

Kim Kardashian. I know this is crazy but i really want to makeup her face because as we know, she is always looks perfect in camera and i want to make her face looks more perfect in everywhere
6. What is your favorite soft lenses color?

7. Travel to USA for three days, or a full 10 days in South East Asia?

Travel to USA for three days..ofc!
8. What is your biggest lifetime achievement?

Uhmm....Make my parents happy ?
9. What is the most desired quality from a spouse/partner/boyfriend? Explain why.

Parents. Because they teach me anything in this world.

10. Does money matter more than love?

Yes, nowadays money is everything. You can buy some flowers with your heart but you must buy some flowers with a money

11. If you are granted with US$ 100,000, what will you do?

I will buy any makeup that i want. 

Random Fact Of Me : 

1. I was born in beautifull paradise in indonesia another than Bali. Lombok
2. I love taking selfie and upload it into my instagram account
3. My first lipgloss is The body shop when i was 6rd 
4. I only have one sisters 
5. I Always spend all my money to buy new makeup collection
6. I'm 17 yo
7. Now i'm 12rd and i'm sciience class
8. I love reading a book especially for makeup or beauty guide book
9. I have 27 lips product
10. I have unique last name
11. I love trying some weird makeup

Blog That I Nominated :

1. Rafika Bono Fauzia ( 
2. Dien Chan (
3. Ayumi Leeya (
4. Nona Hikaru (
5. Letisia Aristi (
6. Kania Safitri (
7. Ririe Prameswari (
8. Catherine Widjaja (
9. Dewi Yang (
10. Anggie Lorinta (
11. Leeya (

My question :

1. What is your favorit makeup brand ?
2. USA makeup Or Korean makeup and why ?
3. The first time you using some makeup ?
4. When you starting to learn about makeup and skin care ? why ?
5. What is your regret item to buy ?
6. What is your skin care ?
7. If you only have one choice which one are you ? Taking a selfie without foundation and filter or taking selfie without lipstick with filter ?
8. What is your first skin care ?
9. What do you think about animal testing ?
10. Which the part of your body that you called sexy ?
11. Are you confident to using makeup ?

Last post a picture of your makeup collection.

Good luck smoochers 

1 comment :

  1. Thankyouu sabine :* makasih yaa buat nominasi nya ;))
