Thursday, November 13, 2014

Beauty Blender Original Egg Shaped Sponge Pink Single Box Review

Halo semua. Kali ini aku mau review queen of sponge nih. Akhirnya setelah lama menabung bisa juga beli ini sponge hihihi. Sponge ini bentuknya kayak telur, oval. Pilihan warnanya ada dua black dan pink di olshop langganan aku. Sponge ini ada dua fungsi, untuk bagian bawah yang lebar itu buat blending di area pipi,dahi, dan dagu. Kalo ujungnya yang lancip itu untuk area-area yang sulit dicapai kayak mata dan hidung.

Awalnya sempet kaget pas sampe kerumah, karena kecil banget padahal aku liat di gambarnya itu gede dan gendut. Panik dong aku......akhirnya setelah aku baca keteranganya ini harus di basahin dulu nanti spongenya bakal membesar wkwkwk, padahal hampir aja mau complain sama olshopnya *duh*. Setelah di basahin, keringkan sponge sampe agak lembap katanya pemakaian yang bagus itu sponge nya harus agak lembap dulu. Aku agak ragu sih nyimpen dalam keadaan lembap soalnya nanti bisa jamuran, gak lucu kan udah beli mahal malah rusak :(.


Setelah agak lembap, aku coba pake di muka dan hasilnya aku akuin memang terbayar sama uang yang kita keluarkan. Spongenya ini empuk banget di muka,biasanya sponge biasa agak kasar dan keras. Kalo di gosokin di muka gak pake kasar, lembut banget pokoknya. Aku coba pake foundation, dan setelah di blend foundation merata dengan baik, hasilnya flawless. Bisa di bilang sih hampir kayak gak pake foundation malah. Karena ini hasilnya flawless, untuk coverage menurut aku medium, tapi tetap tersamarkan jadi ini hasilnya natural.

Kiri pake bb kanan gak pake bb

Untuk packagingnya, aku suka, girly dan lucu. Cuman menurut aku ini agak makan tempat. Bagusnya di tutupnya ada lubang kecil buat sirkulasi udara, supaya sponge gak terlalu lembap.

*Update : Untuk pencucian pertama warnanya luntur dan akan pudar setelah di cuci sampai beberapa kali. Sponge semakin membesar setlah di cuci

Ok kesimpulan :


  • Bikin muka flawless
  • Empuk di muka :3
  • Lembuut sekali :3 
  • Baurkan foundation/cream merata 
  • Worth to try

  • Mahal :( 
Rating ?


Will i buy this again ?

Gak yakin kalo bakal beli lagi, soalnya ini bakal bisa tahan lama sama bertahun-tahun. Tergantung pemakaian juga sih. Paling kalo  mau beli lagi aku mau coba yang seri mini micro , atau kalo memang rusak. Tapi semoga gak rusak deh hehe amiin. 

Where's to buy ? 

@Mai_Shop on Instagram
Price IDR 230.000 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Elise Bulu Mata Palsu Review

Halo semua. Aku mau review salah satu haul aku kemaren. Bulu mata palsu ini banyak disebut-sebut dupenya ardell. Cuman walaupun dupe harganya agak mahal menurut aku. Di banding sama bulu mata biasa yang cuman IDR 3.5000-7.0000.

Dari kanan atas 820,815,7152,5121

Bulu mata ini ada dua jenis, premium dan biasa. Kalo yang premium harganya lebih mahal dan pilihanya lebih banyak yang tebal. Kalo yang biasa pilihanya banyak juga, bulumatanya agak tipis. Untuk harga yang premium aku beli sekitar IDR 20.000 dan yang biasa cuman IDR 17.000. Aku beli dua pilihan dari premium 815 dan 820. Kalo model yang 815 ini agak heboh, panjang di ujung, bulu matanya agak renggang-renggang, tulangnya tipis. Kalo 820 gak terlalu panjang,bulu matanya menyilang, bentuknya standart,tulangnya agak tebel.



Untuk jenis yang biasa aku beli nomor 5121 sama 7152. Kesukaan aku nomor 7152, soalnya ini tebelnya pas banget buat mata yang sipit kayak aku gini, gak terlalu panjang dan gak terlalu pendek, tulangnya tipis,bentuk bulu matanya tebel. Kalo 5121 hampir sama kayak 815 cuman ini jatuhnya lebih natural, di depanya agak tipis dan semakin ke ujung semakin tebel dan panjang,tulangnya tipis.
Hampir gak bisa dibedaiin antara premium dan biasa kalo di liat kasat mata. Tapi kalo sudah dipake baru ketauan. Bedanya ada di tulangnya sama bulunya. Kalo yang premium tulangnya lebih kuat dan konsisten ketimbang yang biasa. Kadang ada karena kita bengkok-bengkokin bulumatanya bentuknya gak karuan juga. Kalo dari helaian bulu matanya, premium lebih tebel ketimbang biasa.

Overall aku suka sama bulu mata ini

Ok conclution :


  • Hasilnya natural
  • Pas di mata
  • Hampir mirip sama ardell
  • Banyak macem pilihan
  • Kualitas bagus
  • Kemasanya kokoh

  • Harganya cukup mahal 
Rating ?


Will i buy this again ?

Ya pasti. Aku mau beli ini lagi karena bulu mata ini pas banget sama mata aku. 

Where's to buy ?

Princess Cosmetics Banjarmasin
Local beauty supply  

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Maybelline Rocket Volum Express Mascara Review

Lagi dan lagi untuk review barang yang udah agak telat. Kali ini mau bahas lagi nih salah satu mascara maybelline yang hits.

Bulu sikatnya kecil cocok untuk bulu mata yang tipis
Mascara ini agak beda dari seri yang lainya. Kalo biasanya mascara myb punya waterproof yang keras, di mascara ini waterproof nya gak sekeras yg lain. Jujur ini enak banget buat dibersihin. Kena air aja udah luruh mascaranya. Jangan salah sangka dulu ya, bukan berarti mascara ini bikin mata panda kalo kena air, malah cuman menggumpal aja tapi gak bleber kemana-mana warnanya. Sayangnya ini agak lama keringnya di mata.

Untuk brushnya, ukuranya besar tapi bulunya sikatnya kecil. Tipe kuas kayak gini cocok buat bulu mata yang pendek dan tipis kayak aku. Karena brushnya ini gak bikin bulu mascara gumpal dan nyatu. Kalo boleh jujur sih mascara ini lebih "work" di aku ketimbang yang falsies, karena tanpa penjepit bulu mata pun bisa lentik pake ini.

Oke conclution :


  • Mudah dibersihkan
  • Gak bikin mata panda
  • Bikin bulu mata lentik dan panjang
  • Cocok untuk bulu mata yang tipis dan pendek

  • Agak lama keringnya
Rating ?


Will i buy this again ?

Iya mau pake bangett!. Cuman ini yang pas dihati hihihi 

Where's to buy ?

Maybelline counter's at Matahari Dept Store Banjarmasin. 
Price IDR 89.000

PAC Brush Cleanser Review

Halo semua, selamat hari minggu. Biasanya kalo weekend ini tugas aku buat cuci kuas hihihi. Kali ini aku mau review brush cleanser baru aku dari brand lokal kita PAC. Ini bukan kali pertamanya aku sih cuci kuas pake cleaser khusus, sebelumnya aku udah pernah coba punya etude, tapi karena aku gak bisa pakenya jadi boros hihih.

Beli cleanser brush ini sebenernya cuman buat kuas yang susah dibersihin kayak kuas lipstick,eyeliner,makeup waterproof,dll. Cara pakenya gampang, cuman di tuang ke wadah secukupnya masukin kuas yang kotor, tunggu sampe kotoran jatuh habis itu lap-lap deh ke tissue atau handuk, gampang kan ? gak perlu dibilas lho :).

Aku udah coba ini tadi, dan memang kuas aku jauh lebih bersih pake cleanser ini ketimbang pake sabun bayi. Cleanser ini mengandung alcohol juga, jadi membunug bakteri-bakteri yang ada di kuas. Sayangnya bau alcoholnya kebangetan banget, keras banget baunyaaaa bikin mabook >.<. Saran aku kalo kamu mau cuci kuas pake ini cuci di tempat yang terbuka atau pakai masker supaya baunya gak ngendap.
Brushnya kotor kena cairan yg kotor

Gak enaknya pake ini kalo kamu cuci kuas sebelumnya yang agak kotor dan berwarna gelap, kan rontok tuh kotoranya ke cairanya terus ciaranya jadi item, pas kamu mau cuci kuas yang lain lagi cairanya bakal nempel di kuas kamu. Bukanya malah tambah bersih jadi malah kotor. Kalo kamu mau boros sih gak papa heheh. Saran dari aku kalo kamu mau pake ini kuas di bagi jadi dua bagian, untuk eyeshadow sama face jadi warnanya gak campur-campur nanti di cairanya hhihi.

Aku kurang suka sama kemasanya, karena terbuat dari kaca dan sangat-sangat fragile. Kalo kata mbak-mbak penjaga counternya sih ini bisa dipindahin ke botol aqua kalo kamu takut pecah. Jadi simpan dengan hati-hati.

*Update : Hati-hati jangan sampe kena kulit karena bisa bikin kulit kering dan kaku, makenya sedikit aja, cukup celupin kuas terus gosok ke handuk/tissue. 

Ok conclution :


  • Efektif bersihkan kuas
  • Bersih
  • Hygienis
  • Membunuh bakteri

  • Boros pemakaian
  • Kadang bikin kotor kuas kalo cairanya gak bersih
  • Bau alcohol yang nyegat banget
  • Kemasan yang amat sangat tidak aman
Rating ?


Will i buy this again ?

Gak deh kayaknya. Boros juga kalo seminggu sekali pake, iya kalo dikit masalahnya ini buanyak.

Where's to buy ?

Pricess cosmetic. Price IDR 90.000 / $9, gak tau ya kok bisa lebih murah dari martha tilaar shop. Padahal di shop nya bisa sampe IDR 100.000 hahah lol 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Revlon Superlustrous Shine Lipgloss 210 Pinkissimo and 245 Pango Peach

Hello everyone. Happy sunday!. This time i'm gonna review my new lipgloss form revlon. This lipgloss is from superlustrous series. I have tried the superlustous lipstick, and i think it's worth and the price is cheap. I think the lipgloss is worth to try too.

Right is pinkissimo nad right is pango peach

 Actually i'm not a big fan of lipgloss since they have super sticky formula that make me feel uncomfortable with it. But i can't resist the cuteness of the color, its flirty and soo fresh. The color is not really out they more transparent but it still look tint on my lips. This lipgloss type is shimmer. What i love from this lipgloss is it doesn't feel grassy or sticky on you lips, and it doesn't make your lips looks like using an oil.


Let's move on to the packaging. The pacakging is good for me, but i think its too fat for lipgloss. The applicator is good, its sponge.  Btw it has some scented and it's not really strong and i'm fine with it.
Pango peach result
Pango peach result

Pinkissimo result

Pinkissimo result
Ok conclusion :


  • Not sticky
  • Not too shine
  • The color is good
  • Long lasting
  • Won't make my lips dry

  • So far is nothing
Rating ?


Will i buy this again ?

Yes! i will try another color. This is so good for teenager, because it looks natural,not to heavy like a lipstick and its moist too. The point plus of this is it won't sticky at all. 

Where's to buy ? 

Revlon counter's
Princess cosmetic price is IDR 58.000 discount 10% IDR 52.200 

Friday, November 7, 2014

PAC Eyebrow Pencil Brown Review

Halo semua. Kali ini aku mau review brand lokal premium yang masih di racik sama Ibu Martha Tilaar. Ini sih rekomendasi dari mama sama oma aku, katanya sih warna coklatnya itu bagus hasilnya pas dan natural.

Sebelumnya aku udah pernah coba punya oma aku, hasilnya aku bisa bilang bagus dan pas sama aku. Warna coklatnya itu gak terlalu merah atau tua aku gak tau sih ini warna tepatnya apa kalo menurut aku sih ini coklat ebony gituu >.<. Biasanya kalo aku pake merek viva warnanya terlalu merah dan kontras sama warna rambut.

Warnanya natural

Kalo dari tekstur ini agak mirip crayon, dan agak susah nempel warnanya musti apply beberapa kali baru warnanya keluar. Aku kurang cocok sama pencil alis bertekstur crayon karena bikin alis aku rontok, dan pac ini bikin alis aku rontok dan ternyata mama aku juga punya masalah yang sama makanya dikasih ke oma aku lol.

Pencil alisnya cukup tahan lama, bahkan kena air warna masih nempel di alis. Kalo untuk kemasan sih gak ada yang spesial, hampir sama kayak pencil alis pada umumnya yang masih di raut-raut hihi. Harganya menurut aku agak sedikit mahal IDR 85.000 dan dikasih diskon 10%  sama tokonya jadi IDR 75.000 baik ya yang punya wkwkwk.

Ok kesimpulan :


  • Warna natural
  • Pas buat yang punya rambut hitam
  • Tahan lama

  • Bikin alis rontok :( 
Rating ?

3.5/5 *sebenarnya aku mau kasih 4,cuman aku kurang srek karena bikin alis aku rontok :(*

Will i buy this again ? 

Aku gak yakin, soalnya kalo bikin alis aku rontok terus lama-lama bisa botak ini, bahayaa kan :'(. Kalo warnanya udah pas bgt sama aku sayangnya bikin rontok :'(

Where's to buy :

Martha tilaar shop 
Princess Cosmetic Banjarmasin

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Silkygirl Long - Wearing Lipliner Review

Hallo everyone. I'm gonna review adorable drugstore brand lipliner. I bought this because i never tried lip liner before and its just for my works. Another that reason, i saw a few bblog said this lipliner has good quality too.

This lipliner only has three shade color Nude,Mauve, and Rose. All the color is pretty, but not all the lipstick can match with those color. The nude one it's look like brown with a hint of pink, and the mauve is like purple with a hint of brown and the rose is red with a hint of pink. My favorite is rose.

From above nude,mauve,rose

This lipliner is easy to use. I hope sg can more color and neutral color for this lipliner. Btw, the textured is crayon, it has no smell.

Ok conclusion :


  • Smooth 
  • Nice
  • No smell
  • The color is pretty
  • No need sharpen

  • Its only has three shade :( 
Rating ?


Will i buy this again ?

Yes. Its doesn't just cheap but its also good.

Where's to buy ?

Guardian or Silkygirl Counters. price IDR 35.000

Maybelline Falsies Mascara Review

Hai everyone. I know it's lil bit late to review this mascara. This mascara drive me crazy since i read about that review. It said it can make your lashes more long and thick like using flasies. I have a short and thin lashes so i think this mascara helps my problem.

The packaging is almost same with magnum series

as you can see in the stick has some fracture to make the brush more flexible

This mascara packaging is closer with magnum series but its purple. The brush is almost same with magnum too lol, but the difference in the stick near the brush, it more flexible and more wiggle loool. When i saw some review in makeupalley, it said this is dupe from benefit they'real mascara which is more cheaper.

When i tried this mascara, it also pushed your lashes even your not curl your lashes first. And make you lashes more length and thick. Like you used fake eyelashes in natural version. This mascara is long lasting and also waterproof.

Ok conclution :


  • Make your lash thick
  • Make your lash like using fake eyelash
  • More cheaper than benefit they'real mascara
  • The brush is flexible 
  • Quick to dry

  • So far is nothing 
Rating ?


Will I buy this again ?

Yessss, ofc this mascara is also good for you who has short and fine lashes like me. Or if you are fake eyelash fans, u can use this mascara to make your lashes fused.

Where's To Buy ?

Maybelline Counter's at Matahari Dept Store. Price is IDR 98.000 or $9

Revlon Colorbrust Lipbutter Cotton Candy And Red Velvet Review

Hello everyone. I'm gonna review lipbutter from revlon. This lipstick is from colobrust series but its butter textured. I never heard a lipstick with butter textured, usually i just found creamy liptick.

Actually this is gift from my bfs *i know how sweet he is*, idk why he bought me this color. Both looks great but i think the cotton candy more looks sheer on my lips. The red velvet color is gorgeous, it looks like dark red but not too dark. I love red velvet one, but i think the color it's to mature for me :'( . The color is long lasting, i used this for my dance practice in two  hour and the color still on fire on my lips hahah.

Swatch on my lips

Swatch on my hand
The textured is nice, it soft and smooth on my lips. It doesn't make my lips dry. It almost close with lip butter but with a hint of color. It's because has the butter textured, its moist my lips well. Finish textured is semi glossy i guess. This lipstick its so soft, so you must be carefull if you using some brush because you don't want to broke it.  Btw i'm in love with this packaging, because it looks glamour and cool. I recommend this lipstick for daily use or if you have a dry lips.

Ok Conclution :


  • Smooth on my lips
  • Long lasting
  • Won't make my lips dry
  • Good for dry lips
  • Good packaging

  • The cotton candy color is to sheer
  • The texture is too soft
Rating ?


Will I Buy This Again ?

I guess, because i have a dry lips and i'm too lazy to apply lipbalm first before lipstick. 

Where's To Buy ?

Revlon Counter's at Matahari Dept Store. Price : IDR80.000 

My November Haul Part 1

Hello everyone. How was your day ? so today i'm gonna do some haul. This is my part 1 haul, if you guys thinking i bought a lot of makeup you guys right!. Actually its not all i bought in this month, i still waiting for four items more that i ordered online one months ago hahah. So let's begin, what i bought for this month.....

What i bought for this month

 So, what do you think ? is that pretty much for me ? hahah so this is the way make me happy :D. So let's begin with first item.

1. Maybelline Falshies And Rocketter Mascara

I bought this mascara because the old one it getting dry and is out from 3 month. That mean, i should change the new one because all the germ is grew in there hhiiy.

2. Elise Falshies
I bought in three different variant
 So many bblogger said this is the ardell lashes dupe and more cheaper. I bought in two different variant premium and standar. The premium one is more expensive and they lashes more smooth.

5. Maybelline Color Tatto And PAC Eyebrow Pencil

I'm a big fan of myb color tatto, as you guys know i usually used this as my looks. And i completed the color. I bought PAC eyebrow pencil because its good,looks natural.

6. Revlon Superlustrous Lipgloss And Revlon Photoready Foundation

I believe with revlon product that hey have good quality. And i can't resist for the lipgloss because they had cute color and looks so good for daily use. For foundation, i bought this because my wardah liquid foundation has empty.

7. Silkygirl Long Lasting Lipliner

I never had lipliner before, so i choose sg because my bblog friends said this is pretty good and the price is reasonable. It just had three shade

8. PAC Brush Cleanser

I bought this cleanser brush because i got hard when i clean my waterproof makeup brush like lipbrush,cream eyeshadow.

9. Mane n Tail Shampoo Original

10. Maybelline Gel Eyeliner

11. Ubu Foundation Brush and Small Stippling Brush

12. Sariayu Beauty Kit

13. PAC TWC Palette

i'm sorry guys, i forgot to take some pict :(.

Well that's my part 1 haul. wdyt ? review as soon as posible :'). Well thank you for reading and i hope you guys enjoy and byeee

Haul part 2 is coming soon