Sunday, October 26, 2014

My Autumn/Fall 2014 Look With Etude House Fantastic Color Eye's Bloody Haloween + Pictorial

Hello everyone. Actually idk when the autumn starts, but i think i'm gonna make the makeup first haha. So today i'm gonna make some tutorial with autumn color and i'm using my new makeup palette from etude house. I guess the color is cool for autumn,so i'll try it. And here we go...

sorry about my lashes and messy brows :(

Product i used :

  • Etude House Fantastic Color Eye's Bloody Halloween
  • Maybelline Masterliner Pencil 
  • Maybelline Gel Eyeliner Black 
  • Daiso Lashes #200  
  • Scotch Magic Tape
So in this tutorial, we used all the color in the palette, except the zombie kiss one. But, if you want to be more creative you can use it. 

All the color is used except the zombie kiss one. 
 Let's we begin the tutorial :

Add caption
  1. Make you already put some base or primer on your lids. Then apply witch hunting color all over you lids.
  2. Draw thick liner with bloody burgundy, make like a frame and leave some empty space in the center on your eye's.
  3. Dab a halloween night color in outer you eye's. Make sure your'e applying the color too much.
  4. Blend all the color with funky horror. Make sure you have empty space in the center of your eye's.
  5. With your fingertips, apply pale color in empty space right in the center of your eye's, then blend it out. 
  6. Draw a thick liner with Maybelliner Gel Eyeliner Black. 
  7. To make your eye's more intense, draw black liner with Maybelline Masterline Pencil in your waterline.
  8. Then,add bloody burgundy color down your waterline and add some lashes
Finish. Now let me take a selfie :)

So what do you think guys ? Am i autumn enough ? hihihi. So thank you so much for reading, i hope you guys enjoyed my pictorial :). 

Silky Girl Color Lipbalm Review

Hai hai everyone. Today i'm gonna review my favorite tinted balm from Silkygirl. This lipbalm is has great quality. I have two color, 04 Romantic Pink and 05 Sweet Pink. Both is pretty and moisturizing your lips well.

The packaging is cute and girly

Left is Sweet pink and in the right is romantic pink

This lipbalm is better than soda pop lips one. Both the color is good,but i prefer to romantic pink,because romantic pink is more tinted on my lips and make my lips looks fresh and the color is more reddish. The sweet pink is more sheer on my lips, honestly before i do some swatch on my lips i think the sweet pink one is better but i was wrong. The color is long lasting,and natural on my lips.
I;m using romantic pink on my lips

Romantic pink is more tinted on my lips and looks natural

I love the packaging. It's simple and so girly. The packaging is slim and not need much space on your makeup bag. The texture is really nice, its soft and smooth on your lips. When you glide on you lips, it just melting on your lips. Btw, i think it has no smell or any fragrance.

Left is sweet pink and right is romantic pink.

It has semi glossy finish. Not much glossy but not really matte.

Ok Conclution :


  • Moist your lips
  • Not glossy finish
  • Pretty color
  • Good packaging
  • Really cheap IDR under 20.000 / less than $2
  • The texture is really nice
  • Long lasting color

  • No spf 


Will i buy this again ?

I said yes!. I think this lipbalm is suitable for teenager. Because the color's not heavy as lipstick or make your llips dry as a liptint. 

Acnes Tea Tree Clay Mask First Impression

Halo semua. Kali ini aku mau buat first impression aku sama masker dari acnes. Btw aku dapet ini free karena tadi ada promo jadi dapet sample ini deh hihihi.

Katanya sih masker ini dari tea tree dan bertekstur clay. Di keteranganya ini bagus bisa buat semua jenis kulit. Setau aku, kalo masker yang tekstur clay memang bagusnya buat kulit yang cenderung berminyak atau kombinasi. Jarang sih yang jerawatan pake clay mask,karena kalo sudah mengering masker akan menebal dan akan berasa kaku. Jadi kalo jerawatan takutnya nanti malah iritasi.

Setelah aku coba, aku agak bingung sama teksturnya. Katanya itu clay,tapi setelah di pake malah lebih ke cream. Setelah kering pun,maskernya gak gampang pecah atau retak malah jadi kayak elastis gitu lol. Kalo kamu udah pernah coba masker yang gel,kurang lebih aja kayak gitu hasilnya. Setelah dibilas,mukaku gak ada perubahan apa-apa. Biasanya setelah pake masker muka jadi terasa licin,keset dan cerah. Tapi ini gak sama sekali. Mungkin karena acnes itu buat perawatan kulit yang berjerawat jadi fungsi maskernya lebih ke situ.

Aku kurang suka sama aromanya. Baunya kayak obat....

Update : Cocok banget buat jerawat, setelah pake ini jerawat aku kempes. Kamu juga bisa pake ini di area yang berjerawat saja. 

Oke kesimpulan :


  • Cepet kering
  • Gak gampang retak 
  • Bagus untuk kulit berjerawat

  • Baunya gak enak
  • Gak ada perubahan yang dramatis 
  • Gak ada clay nya
  • Teksturnya terlalu licin
Rating :


Will i buy this again ?

Gak tau ya. Karena ini masih first impression jadi gak bisa nyimpulin. Saat ini sih gaak. Mungkin buat kamu yang punya kulit berjerawat bisa pake ini. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Le Muerte (The Beauty Death) Makeup Pictorial

Hello guys. It's me again. Kali ini aku bakal kasih sebuah tutorial makeup,tapi bukan makeup cantik lho ya guys melainkan makeup halloween. Walaupun di Indo sendiri masih jarang perayaan halloween tapi gak papa lah ikut meramaikan yang di sana hihih. Thema makeupnya sendiri adalah La Muerte. Jadi kemaren aku habis nonton The Books Life,di situ ada la muerte yang menurut aku itu kece banget kalo di buat makeup. Daripada penasaran yuk kita liat  pictorialnya

Makeup yang akan di gunakan
Makeup yang di guanakan :

  1. Wardah Liquid Foundation 01 Natural White
  2. Revlon Correcting Primer 01
  3. Revlon Photoready Concealer 03
  4. Revlon Photoready Kajal 004
  5. Maybelline Color Tatoo Tenacious Teal
  6. Maybelline Black Gel Eyeliner
  7. Maybelline Lipstick 625
  8. Maybelline Color Show Crayon Kohl Orange
  9. Sephora Makeup Bag Palette 
  10. Etude House Dear Darling Tint 04
  11. Silky Girl Eyeliner Pencil Silver
Mari kita mulai dari mata :

Tutorial mata step by step

  1.  Buat lingkaran dengan menggunakan nude pencil sebagai pembatas warna nanti. Besar lingkaran di luar alis dan luar kantong mata. Usahakan lingkaran besar.
  2. Warnai seluruh bagian mata yang di batasi dengan cream eyeshadow berwarna teal.
  3. Bingkai warna teal dengan menggunakan eyeliner gel berwarna hitam pada garis nude yang sudah di gambar sebelumnya
  4. Buat kelopak kecil mengitari lingkaran,tinggalkan sedikit bagian di dalamnya untuk di beri warna.
  5. Beri warna pada bagian kelopak yang kosong dengan menggunakan crayon kohl berwarna orange
  6. Untuk menambah shading dan dimensi, tambahkan eyeshadow biru tua pada seluruh kelopak mata lalu berikan warna hitam pada ujung mata untuk memberikan efek dramatis. Tambahkan juga sedikit warna silver pada bagian atas mata.
Selanjutnya kita ke tahap wajah ya :

  1. Buat gambar garis menyerupai sarang laba-laba dengan menggunakan gel eyeliner. Buat ujungnya lancip dan berposisi di tengah persis sejajar dengan hidung. 
  2. Gunakan Lipstick merah dan liptint berwarna merah darah pada bibir
  3. Tambahkan garis hitam pada bibir untuk efek bibir yang di jahit
  4. Agar bibir terlihat seperti sobek sungguhan, tambahkan garis panjang dari ujung bibir ke pipi
  5. Tambahkan garis jahitan dekat dengan bibir. Untuk mempercantik gambar ukiran-ukiran. Lalu warnai sebagian hidung dengan eyeliner hitam
  6. Gunakan cream eyeshadow berwarna teal lalu gambarlah bunga atau daun pada dagu. Lalu bingkai dengan eyeliner hitam. 
Finish. Now let me take a selfie 

Gimana temen-temen, aku udah serem belum ? Btw,kamu gak perlu niruin 100% dari aku kok. Kamu juga bisa kreasiin warna-warna lain yang kamu suka. Untuk memperlengkap penampilan aku juga pake bunga mawar sebagai hiasan. Selamat mencoba ya guys! hihih

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Maybelline Clean Express Makeup Remover Short Review

Hello everyone. How are you today ? it's my second day mid tes. And i wishes i get the good result for that amiin. So today i'm gonna review the newest makeup remover from maybelline. Many bblog said this is better than before and it more effective to clean waterproof makeup.

Like waterproof makeup remover usually, it has two formula inside. Like oil and water,i think it's oily like before. But when i tried this, i feel amazing. Because it doesn't leave sticky feeling or grease at all. I'm a maybelline mascara user, and usually it's kinda hard to remove them but with this all clean with easily.

I love the packaging is. It look so good,elegant and more clean. But i'm not sure it's safety for travelling.

Ok Conclution


  • Not oily
  • Easy to remove waterproof makeup
  • Cleaan packaging

So far is noothing

Rating ?


Will I buy This Again ?

Yes ofc

Sunday, October 19, 2014

IBB Makeup Challenge October 2014

hello everyone. It's kinda late to join this challenge. Well tomorrow is last day to submission the challenge ,and honestly i don't want to lose this change. Because this challenge has wonderful price from newest makeup brand in Indonesia, Sarange . Well this challenge is quite simple,you just need to make some looks with korean syle. It's free,you want a sweet,playful,gothic or anything you want. But the point is k-pop style.

Well, i made one looks. Gothic girl, i think its explain all this october,so that's why i choose to be gothic and this is halloween baby :D.

So here we go, let see my looks

What do you think guys ? am i gothic enough  ? well i trying to make the korean touch looked as well as posible. For makeup, i just using bb cream on my face,red liptint,eyeliner and falshies. Simple right ?

So i hope you guys like my gothic girl look and wish me luck for this competition :).

The Body Shop Born Lippy Lipbalm In Strawberyy And Raspberry Review

Hello everyone. Today i'm gonna review my favorit lipbalm all the times. I've been using this lipbalm for 12 years ago. That mean i was 5th. I have dry lips in pre-school and my mom used this lipbalm because she believed that made from natural ingredients and its safe from all age. So let's begin.

This lipbalm has five variant. Satsuma,strawberry,watermelon,raspberry,grape. Actually,born lippy is new name for this lipbalm. And the packaging is new,if you are loyal costumer from tbs,you should be know what exactly this packaging before.

The texture is balm and very smoth on my lips,and it has no color but its glossy :(. Since i'm using eos i feel disgusting using lipbalm wih glossy finish. It looks like you just eat fast food and you forget to wipe them. The smell is so delicious. Btw raspberry its more sweet when you lick your lips. Strawberry it has no taste at all. I'm little bit doubt to use this for my outdoor activity,because it has no spf.

I love this lipbalm because it has great moist. And i recommend you who has a dry lips. But,i hate this product because you need to dip your finger and its not hygienic.

Ok Conclution :


  • Great moist 
  • Smooth 
  • Cute smell
  • Long lasting
  • Worth price IDR 69.000 / $7

  • Glossy
  • Not hygienic packaging
Will i buy this again ?

Yes, i will. No reason. 

Rating ?


Where's to buy ?

You can find at The Body Shop Store on your city. Or you can check their website here

Well, guys don't forget to joining my 1st anniversary giveaway ya :)

Monday, October 13, 2014

Revlon Correcting Primer Review

Hello everyone. Its me again. Well this is my first review about face primer. I never try face primer before,because i dont really understand what's the function. I just know primer just can make our face more cakey. But i was wrong,primer can set your foundation really well on your face.

 This primer is from revlon. I bought this because i think it can make my face matte and my foundation set well on my skin. And its true. This primer is amazing. I ever tried this for my course 4 hours in night,and it doesn't make my face oily nor the foundation fade away. I used liquid foundation from wardah,usually i used that make my face oily. But with this primer my face looks matte flawless with no oil. But, try not to much layering your skin with foundation, because it can makes your face so cakey. Btw this color is lil bit pinkish. But it not make your makeup looks pink.

Foundation with primer looks more smooth and spread well

The textured is cream,and really quick absorb on your skin. You just need a small palm and it will spread on your face. Pretty cool huh ?. Too bad, this primer has no spf. So i'm not recommended this for outside activity,except your foundation contain spf. This primer is quick to dry,i think you must use this often to avoid the product changes become dry and hard.

I don't like with the packaging. Because it's fragile and not travel friendly.The pump is small,so you don't to worry if you pumping the product too much. It's really good for you who has oily or combination skin.

Ok conclution :


  • Quick absorb
  • Good for combination or oily skin
  • Make foundation long lasting
  • Won't smudge foundation 

  • Quick to dry :(
  • It has no spf :( 
  • Bulky packaging 
  • Pricey IDR 155.000 / $15 
Rating ?


Will i buy this again ?

Well, i'm not a big fan of face primer. And usually i used this for my makeup client. Maybe i would buy this again. 

Where's to buy ?

Princess kosmetik store (Banjarmasin) or any revlon counter. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Etude House Fantasic Color Eye Bloody Halloween Eyeshadow Palette Review

Hello everyone. Today i'm gonna review my newest and first makeup palette from Etude House. Usually Etude house eyeshadow is single or at least four. But in few times ago they produced makeup palette more that four color. I forgot what's the eyeshadow palette name before,i just remember its pricey.
The packaging is so girly even the theme is halloween

The color is dark purple. Give you mature and elegant look

This eyeshadow palette is seasonal product. It has two variant color Bloody Halloween and Bohemian Soul. Mine is Bloody Halloween. I choose bloody halloween because all the color is pretty,grunge and mature. Bloody halloween is more redish accent and bohemian soul has orange accent. So this eyeshadow made for celebrate halloween. I can say this is limited edition palette,so i don't want to miss it.
The color more redish and pretty for me

Zombie kiss is cream textured,and witch hunting is matte. Another that is shimmer.

The packaging is very compact for eyeshadow. Ans as usually, etude house is always give the best design for their makeup. It looks gloomy but still girly. Inside it, you can find the big mirror. Pretty enough to touch up your makeup. Btw, it has six various color and textured as description in box. I just found three different textured matte,shimmer and cream. All the color is pretty and gorgeous. The cream eyeshadow is amaziing,it's multifunctional it can be lipstick and blush. But i 'm no sure its work for eyeshadow,because it's clot on my lids so i better use that for lipstick and blush.

Pigmentation for this color is quite disappointed. They are low pigmented, even i use my base eyeshadow. It looks same!. The eyeshadow is powdery,especially for matte textured eyeshadow. I just see halloween night color has great pigmentation. I'm very disappointed with pale color,it doesn't look like use anything on your eye's, you just like putting shimmering on your lids.

I'm using zombie kiss as my lipstick and blush

This eyeshadow is great for daily makeup,without making your face looks too much. I'm not recommended to you if you are makeup artist or you want to get dramatic makeup looks.

Ok Conclution :


  • Good Packaging 
  • Good for daily makeup
  • It has various color 
  • Multifungsional cream eyeshadow
  • Compact 

  • Very low pigmented
  • Powdery
  • Pricey IDR 167.000 / $ 16 
Rating ?


Will i buy this again ?

i'm not sure for this. But sometimes i need soft and natural makeup for some occupation. Maybe i will try another color for my daily makeup.

Where's to buy ? 

Dephito Cosmetic. It based on Medan,and sell korean beauty product .

*desclaimer : This product based on my own and honest experience. Not for sponsorship or endorsement item. It can be change sometimes. 

Btw, don't forget to joining my 1st anniversary giveaway 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Lt Pro Shade And Tint Kit 02 Review

Helo everyone. Today i will review my favorite shading kit from our local brand. This is my first shading kit,so that's why i said best. Lt pro is sub brand from La tulipe. The difference is Lt pro is more expensive and the quality is more better that la tulipe. Usually used by makeup artist for photoshoot,modelling,etc. The packaging is more delux too. So lets back to the review....

The packaging is small and compact. Travel friendly

I bought this in my favorite local beauty store Princess. It has three shade of color. Actually i more prefer to number three but the BA said many people regret to choose the number 03 because they too light in skin and not make contour anymore. So i choose the number 02,they said this color is best seller too,who knows right ? haha.

It has small mirror too

Inside it, it has two color. Dark for contour and light for highlighting your bones. It has mirror too inside,so its really helping you for travelling. But it has no place to store the brush. The packaging is compact and travel friendly.

My face it doesn't looks like contour right ?

When i try this by myself, i think the ba is right. The color is blended really well on my skin,and the texture is really blendable. The color is pigmented,so trying not too much applying on your face,because it can make your face messy with brown color. But,the highlight color is not really work on my face. It looks like translucent powder when you applying it,

too bad, it doesn't give you dramatic arch :(

Unfortunately,my face is going break out after use this. I don't know why,maybe its because i'm too much layering makeup on my face or its too heavy for my skin :(.

Ok conclution :


  • Blendable
  • Color pigmented
  • Work on my face
  • Compact for travelling
  • Cheap IDR 95.000 / $ 9

  • The highlighting is not work on my skin :(
  • Not make dramatic effect on my skin :( 
  • Make my face breakout :(
Rating ?


Will I Buy This Again ?

No. Honestly this is nice on my face,but it makes my face breakouts and it's not give you dramatic effect contour. I wanna try shading kit from another brand. Maybe they more better.

Where's to buy ? 

Princess Cosmetic Shop (Banjarmasin). If you outside from Banjarmasin, you can find them in Hyppermart,Matahari dept store,etc. 

So that's my review. And don't forget to joining my 1st anniversary giveaway :) 

Click Me

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Nyx Macaroon Lips MALS12 Chambord Review

Hello everyone. I'm gonna review a lime crime lipstick dupe from nyx. Nyx has just made a new lipstick with crazy solid color. I said might be think it could be dark purple or red blood,but its totally wrong! the crazy color that i mean in here like a blue,gree,yellow,black,etc. Sound's creepy but it seems good to try hahah.

The pacakging shown the color of lipstick

I'm in love with lime crime color,but they price is not friendly with me for some lips product. So when i knew Nyx has same product but more cheaper, i choose the nyx one in chambord. I know chambord is black,but why i choose black ? because black is neutral,you can mix it with any color to give seductive color on your lips. Btw,the shop has just three color blue,pistachio and chambord.

I thought the packaging is small,but honestly is bigger than my other lipstick hahah. This lipstick its pretty pigmented. But you must layering for two until three times to get darker color. What i hate from this lipstick is if its get wet,the color will spread around your lips,and it looks sooo disgustingg. You might be think this lipstick can make your lips dry,but so far my lips is not dry to use this. Be careful to use this,because you don't want the color stuck on your teeth hahah.

I mixed it with red. Btw, i feel like evil haha
I wanna be a bad girl

I think this lipstick it's nice. Another the price is so friendly and reasonable. I'm not recommend you to use this as your daily lipstick. You must spread this lipstick well if you want good result.

Ok conclution :


  • Cheaper that lime crime
  • Good for crazy makeup and experiments 
  • It has many variant color
  • Not make my lips dry (so far) 
  • Pigmented

  • Its hard to blend
  • Not really long lasting
Rating ?


Will i buy this again ?

i don't know. Honestly i'm not profssional makeup artist or special effect makeup artist. But its really fun to play with it. So i think i'm gonna try another color

Where's to buy ?

Mai Shop. It based on Makasar. All the item is ready stock,and if its sold,the picture will be deleted

*desclaimer : This product based on my own and honest experience. Not for sponsorship or endorsement item. It can be change sometimes. 

Oh btw, don't forget to join my 1st anniversary giveaway. Two lucky winner will be choose randomly by us and get suprised item from us