Thursday, September 11, 2014

Purple Gold Egypt Eye's Makeup

Hello everyone. Well this is my first post in english. If you ask me why i'm using english for this post ? i will tell you later in oct! haha. Today i'm gonna share my experiments. I nmaed it egypt  because the color remain me of cleopatra and spinx. So i think i better named this. Honestly this is like accident color on my eye's. First i just want to make cut crease with purple and gold color. Until i realize this makeup is not life,not arts. So i'm trying to framed it with black liquid eyeliner and the result was amazing. Woohooo. Well, i'm gonna tell you step by step how i doing this look. Before that i really sorry there is no pictorial because i forgot to take the pict first haha lol..

Here we go

Eye's Tutorial :

  1. First in first, you need to apply purple eyeshadow in center of your eye's. In here i'm using Maybelline color tatto in Purple
  2. Next is, i'm gonna apply dark blue color in my inner corner and outer corner of my eye's. Make sure you already apply base or primer
  3. To make your eyes more better add eyeliner close into your lashes
  4. Draw thick line above the eyeliner and purple color. Make like a you framed it
  5. This is the best part! with your favorite liquid eyeliner,draw a thin line around the gold color. Framed them!
  6. Apply falshies and were done!
Lips :

  1. For completed this look, use gold-ish lips. In here i'm using Maybelline colorshow in True tofee and i add a lil bit gold eyeshadow in center of my lips
What do you think ? i realy like this look. Becasue they look amazing and so glamour. I think i'm gonna use this for my prom haha. Oke guys, thank you for reading and i really need you guys help. Correct my english if i'm wrong. Sorry for bad grammar. 
